Monday, November 18, 2013

Morgan Hall at Temple University

      As a sophomore this year, I have been living at the Mitchell and Hilarie Morgan Hall on the 22nd floor, and the view has just been amazing. I can't even put into words how beautiful it us up here. My apartment faces Center City...enough said.

     The day I moved in, I looked out my window and was blown away. I can see everything from New Jersey, the bridge, City Hall, the Art is unbelievable. I had to show my friends and family, so what better way to capture these views than with my iPhone? Whenever I saw the perfect shot, I had to take a pictures and post them to my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Little did I know that the simple hashtag "#TempleU" would make my photos get an unbelievable amount of likes on social media thanks to Temple University for sharing these photos.

     Recently I met with the assistant director for Temple's School of Media and Communication who interviewed my sister and I on our experiences here at Morgan. Attached is the link to the article. Read and enjoy!

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